Top 100 Laravel Interview Questions

Top 100 Laravel Interview Questions

  1. What is Laravel explain about it?
  2. What are the main features of Laravel?
  3. Explain the directory structure of a Laravel application.
  4. How does Laravel implement MVC architecture?
  5. What is Composer, and how is it used in Laravel?
  6. Explain the concept of routing in Laravel.
  7. What is a middleware in Laravel?
  8. How does Laravel handle sessions?
  9. What is Blade in Laravel?
  10. What is Eloquent ORM, and how is it used in Laravel?
  11. What are Laravel migrations, and why are they used?
  12. Explain the purpose of Laravel Artisan.
  13. What is CSRF protection, and how is it implemented in Laravel?
  14. How does Laravel handle file storage and uploads?
  15. What are Laravel Eloquent relationships, and how are they defined?
  16. Explain the difference between hasOne() and belongsTo() relationships in Laravel.
  17. What is the purpose of Laravel queues?
  18. How do you create a new Laravel project?
  19. Explain the concept of service containers in Laravel.
  20. What are Laravel facades?
  21. How does Laravel handle authentication?
  22. Explain the concept of dependency injection in Laravel.
  23. What is route caching, and why is it used?
  24. How do you create custom validation rules in Laravel?
  25. What is the purpose of Laravel’s helper functions?
  26. How does Laravel handle database transactions?
  27. What is method injection in Laravel?
  28. How do you implement API authentication in Laravel?
  29. What is eager loading in Laravel?
  30. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s global middleware.
  31. How do you implement form validation in Laravel?
  32. What is the purpose of Laravel’s event broadcasting feature?
  33. How do you implement pagination in Laravel?
  34. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s query builder.
  35. What is the purpose of Laravel’s route model binding?
  36. How do you handle errors and exceptions in Laravel?
  37. What are the differences between Laravel 5.x and Laravel 6.x?
  38. How do you implement localization in Laravel?
  39. What is the purpose of Laravel’s scheduler?
  40. How do you create and use custom artisan commands in Laravel?
  41. What is the purpose of Laravel’s Homestead?
  42. How do you configure a database connection in Laravel?
  43. What is method chaining in Laravel?
  44. How do you implement logging in Laravel?
  45. What is the purpose of Laravel’s helpers like dd() and dump()?
  46. Explain the concept of service providers in Laravel.
  47. How do you implement authentication using OAuth in Laravel?
  48. What is the purpose of Laravel’s RouteServiceProvider?
  49. How do you generate URLs in Laravel?
  50. What are the best practices to follow while developing a Laravel application?
  51. What is Laravel Mix, and how is it used for asset compilation?
  52. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s dotenv library.
  53. How do you implement method overriding in Laravel routes?
  54. What is the purpose of Laravel’s storage facade?
  55. How do you implement unit testing in Laravel?
  56. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s Blade directives like @foreach and @if.
  57. What is the purpose of Laravel’s artisan serve command?
  58. How do you implement caching in Laravel?
  59. Explain the concept of method injection in Laravel controllers.
  60. What is the purpose of Laravel’s validation service provider?
  61. How do you implement rate limiting in Laravel?
  62. What are Laravel notifications, and how are they used?
  63. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s Carbon library.
  64. How do you implement dependency injection in Laravel controllers?
  65. What is the purpose of Laravel’s soft deletes?
  66. How do you implement method injection in Laravel middleware?
  67. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s broadcast events.
  68. What is the purpose of Laravel’s console kernel?
  69. How do you implement console commands in Laravel?
  70. Explain the concept of facades versus service containers in Laravel.
  71. How do you implement custom authentication guards in Laravel?
  72. What is the purpose of Laravel’s event listeners?
  73. How do you implement role-based access control (RBAC) in Laravel?
  74. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s deferred service providers.
  75. What is the purpose of Laravel’s authentication service provider?
  76. How do you implement API rate limiting in Laravel?
  77. What is the purpose of Laravel’s container binding?
  78. How do you implement Laravel’s resource controllers?
  79. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s session drivers.
  80. How do you implement custom error pages in Laravel?
  81. What is the purpose of Laravel’s HTTP client?
  82. How do you implement email verification in Laravel?
  83. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s method visibility keywords (public, private, protected).
  84. How do you implement method injection in Laravel service providers?
  85. What is the purpose of Laravel’s form request validation?
  86. How do you implement multi-language support in Laravel?
  87. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s Eloquent events.
  88. What is the purpose of Laravel’s query scopes?
  89. How do you implement rate limiting using Redis in Laravel?
  90. Explain the concept of Laravel’s named routes.
  91. How do you implement custom middleware parameters in Laravel?
  92. What is the purpose of Laravel’s Blade components?
  93. How do you implement form model binding in Laravel?
  94. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s CSRF token middleware.
  95. How do you implement authentication using JWT in Laravel?
  96. What is the purpose of Laravel’s route caching?
  97. How do you implement method injection in Laravel route closures?
  98. Explain the purpose of Laravel’s resourceful routing.
  99. How do you implement database seeding in Laravel?
  100. What is the purpose of Laravel’s route model binding with implicit binding?

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